Monthly Archives: June 2017

Nuclear Lake (3)

“Fill your life with experiences, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.”


Before I even begin to describe this hike, I think I spent too much time telling you how good my new boots were. The reason I say this is because about half way through the hike (approximately 2 miles), I went to step up with my left foot and with my right foot on an uneven tree root, it slid to the left, twisting my right ankle and sending me to the ground. Of course I really can’t blame the boots, but why blame my own clumsiness??

Since I was in the middle of the woods, I had no choice but to keep going. Up, down and over rocks, tree roots and leaves I went, the pain increasing with every step. I really  wanted to stop, but I knew that wasn’t possible. So I forged ahead for the remaining two miles and finished the hike.

Wow…I certainly am not a baby when it comes to pain, but this really hurt. I’m confident it isn’t broken, but it certainly is sprained. So as I sit on my couch with my foot up on a pillow with a bag of vegetables as an ice pack, I’ll describe what still was a really nice hike! Unfortunately I’ll be of the trails for a few days to let my ankle rest.

Parking just off of route 55 in a small parking lot, the initial blue trail lasts from the parking area until it joins the AT. A kiosk just off of the parking lot has a map for the nuclear lake hike as well as the obligatory warning about ticks.


The start of the Nuclear Lake hike.


Map of today’s hike.

Within a minute or two of leaving the kiosk, you will see the AT. Stay to the left on the AT and begin your journey through the woods. After about 5 minutes you will see the blue blazed Beekman Uplands Loop on the left. Do not take this trail! That is a hike for another day.


The AT runs through some very nice woods.

The two bridges below make for pleasant distraction as you meander through the woods.

Almost immediately after crossing the bridge on the right, you will see this sign on a tree off to the right of the AT.


The start of the yellow blazed Nuclear Lake Loop Trail.


A section of the trail.

Photos of Nuclear Lake.


The Nuclear Lake Loop


As you circle the lake you cross several interesting rock walls.

Keep following the Yellow Blazes until you reach the point where the loop ends and meets up with the AT again. Take the left and continue on the AT until you get back to the blue trail that leads back to the parking lot.


The end of the Nuclear Lake Loop Trail.



A stretch of the AT.


The AT goes back into the woods.

Summer 2017 Mileage:




Vasque St. Elias GTX Update

“Let’s wander where the wifi is weak.”


“In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous.”


Yesterday I went for a pretty flat and easy hike to start breaking in my new boots. They fared pretty well and even when I got up this morning my feet were no worse for the wear. As a matter of fact, they felt pretty good!

Today, I went to Anthony’s Nose to give them a bit of test. Even though the hike isn’t that long (3.7 miles), it does have some substantial hills that range from very rocky to nice soft dirt. Coupled with some nice flat areas as well as some downhill sections (since the hike is an out and back), I think this hike gave me good idea of what to expect in the future.

With that said, I like these boots even more than I did yesterday! They don’t feel like any other backpacking boots that I have ever worn. They are really light but still offer incredible ankle support. After the hike today, I still didn’t  experience any hot spots, blisters or major discomfort.

If you suffer from weak ankles or just hike in very rocky or uneven terrain, these boots are definitely worth looking into. As I have noted in previous posts, I have hiked in Vasque boots for the better part of the last two decades and have never really had a problem with them. This pair just solidifies my love for Vasque Boots!

Keep on hiking!

Anthony’s Nose (2)

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”


“Without health life is not life; it is only a state of langour and suffering – an image of death.”


It was another beautiful day for hiking in the Hudson Valley! At 7 am it was sunny, the temperature was about 52 degrees and the hiking was easy with a nice cool breeze that stayed with me all the way to the top. It really doesn’t get much better than this, especially at the end of June. It could be much hotter with humidity that would stop a horse in its tracks!

I did have an opportunity to meet a young lady who, according to her, hadn’t been to the Nose in a couple of years. She was hiking with her golden retriever, an absolutely beautiful dog who obviously knew I was a dog lover since he came right up to me and introduced himself! She had forgotten where the turn off was for the view-point so I pointed her in the right direction and off they went.

As we went our separate ways at the top, the retriever kept coming over to me to say hello! Some hikers might not like that, but I had no problem with it. He was really friendly and seemed to enjoy being out in the woods. That is one smart dog! Before she left, we did speak again about different hikes in the area and she asked me to take a picture of her and her friend with the Bear Mt. Bridge in the background.

I mention this because my faith in humanity has been partially restored, if even for a day. It is unfortunate, but even out hiking people are often times so distracted by one form of technology or another that the simple act of speaking to someone is often seen as an intrusion.  So kudos to this young lady for taking the time to speak with me and share some of her experiences and her furry friend!

Since I have documented so many trips to the Nose, I’ll spare you the usual pictures. What I have for you instead is some pictures of a hawk that flew straight up and then would ride the downdraft out of sight. To say the least, it was pretty awesome!


This hawk was riding the downdrafts with a friend. Pretty spectacular!


Another view of our fine feathered friends.


One last look….

Summer 2017 Mileage:



Summer’s First Hike (1)

“We don’t stop hiking because we grow old-we grow old because we stop hiking.”

-Finis Mitchell

“I could never resist the call of the trail.”

-Buffalo Bill

The first hike of the summer season!!!!

I headed out to the Horn Hill Bike Path after publishing my previous post to start breaking in my new Vasque boots. Overall they did well. They were comfortable and I didn’t really experience any discomfort until close to the end of the hike. Not much, but exactly what I would expect from a new pair of boots. No twisted ankles, blisters or hot spots.

I decided to do the shorter loop of this hike and it truly is amazing how it changes throughout the year. I have documented this hike in just about every season and with the amount of rain we have had recently, everything is in full bloom.


The kiosk at the start of the hike.


The smell of pine was intoxicating on several sections of this hike!


More pine…


The only short hill on this hike.


This wasn’t here the last time I was here.



Although these roots can be perilous, they are cool to look at!


The trail near the end of the hike.

Summer 2017 Mileage:


Out With The Old And In With The New….

After several years of great hiking with my Vasque boots, it’s time to retire them for a new pair. I’ve spent the last several days researching a new pair, paying special attention to boots that have a great deal of ankle support due to the fact that my ankles at this point are shot. Normal every day hiking boots won’t help me now, so I have to get some good backpacking boots.

Out with the old….


Good bye old friend!!!!

And in with the new….


The new Vasque St. Elias GTX Size 12W

I have been hiking in Vasque boots for the better part of 20 years now and I have found them to be incredibly good boots. This new pair appear to be much lighter than my old ones and the young man who helped me at Campmor said that the technology has advanced to the point where a good pair of backpacking boots don’t have to weigh 10 pounds!!!!

I’ll be heading to some familiar trails by the Anthony Wayne parking area to start breaking them in later to get a feel for how they do.

Stay tuned for the first hike write-up of the summer!!!!

The Start of Summer

March, April, May and June,

The end to which could not come to soon.

School is out and the summer is here,

I can get back to hiking without any fear.

I haven’t been blogging, and that is a shame,

The work piled up and I have no one to blame.

But now that it’s over and there is time to be had,

The blogging resumes and for this I am glad.

So as you now read this, please forget the bad rhymes,

The summer is here hopefully full of good times!

Please join me as I get back on the trail,

Blogging my hikes with pictures and tales….