Monthly Archives: December 2016

Renewal (3)

Rushing into the house just a few minutes ago after walking our elderly neighbors dogs, my daughter exclaimed, “Dad, quick, you have to get a picture of the sunset.” Walking to the front door, I was pleasantly surprised at the depth of the sunset that I saw before me. Most people think of sunrises as being a period of renewal, but after a morning of snow that turned to a drenching rain that lasted more than seven hours, the sunset today was amazing and a great way to end the day. To me, a period of renewal.





That time of year is here again, in just a couple of days,

When resolutions will define us, our  minds are set ablaze.

But why do wait we to change, to make new amends,

When we have the entire prior year, I guess it all depends.

Lose some weight, be a little nicer, these are things to strive for,

But why doesn’t it ever last, despite the steady roar.

So here we are, and in this time of renewal,

All I really ask for, is just a little time, to think and to refuel.

So I hope that when I wake up, in oh so many days,

I’m still on a steady course, to mend and change my ways.
