Monthly Archives: October 2016

A Life Transformed

The trees of fall they bend and sway,

All in the promise of a crisp clear day,

But the cold nights come with hopes anew,

With blades of grass now soaked in dew.


The leaves have fallen, the sky now clear,

All beauty in time, my heart holds dear,

But we all stand alone when our fears do take hold,

The change of the seasons, a story is told.


So as time marches on with loss keenly felt,

Our hearts still in place, the cards have been dealt.

After winters fine wrath has wiped the slate clean,

A brand new beginning can start to be seen.

To See Through My Eyes

To see what I see

Frequent and far reaching delusions spread through time

From the carnival barkers dais.

Lies penetrate the forgotten soul,

Sweeping through the barren wasteland of the mind,

Tortured senses beaten down by an incessant silky haze of


I Walk Alone

I walk alone.

Alone in the wisdom of the woods

Alone with the love of natures embrace

I walk alone.

Alone in each step, the drumbeat of the distant wanderers

Alone, searching for truth in the infinite space

That is the wilderness, my life, my love

Forever marking time




D.O.A. (Death of Autumn)

Darkened days now the norm

Temperamental winds usher in a frosty reality while

Falls grasp, tenuous and slipping,

Tries to remember days lost in an autumnal haze.

Fiery reds are extinguished and relinquish themselves to blades coated in a fine morning dew.

Wasting away, the tears of tomorrow are soaked into the earth with the

Promise of a new day.