Is It Autumn? It Sure Feels Like It!(28)

“Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year. The morning of the first September was crisp and golden as an apple.” 

-J.K. Rowling

“Each moment of the year has its own beauty.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Walking in the woods today I could sense a shift in the seasons. Although it is only September 1st, the crisp air was certainly much cooler than you would expect, even for this late in the summer. You may think I’m crazy, but when you are hiking, you find that every season has its own unique smell. From the re-awakening of the woods in spring to the barren ground right before a snowfall, it is almost as if the earth lets you know it is changing.

This morning, if only for a moment, the distinct smell of autumn enveloped me as I walked on the trail. However, as quickly as I noticed it, it was gone. Let’s hope that the weather continues in that direction and doesn’t return to summer!

Although I am back at school, I am going to count the hikes I do until Autumn begins on Friday September 22nd as summer hikes.

Summer 2017 Mileage:


2 thoughts on “Is It Autumn? It Sure Feels Like It!(28)

    1. The Zen Hiker Post author

      Hey Tara! Thanks very much for checking out my blog.I think the smell of fall is almost intoxicating. The sound of the fallen leaves crunching under your boots and the dry cool smell easily makes it the best season of the year.



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