I Walk Alone

I walk alone.

Alone in the wisdom of the woods

Alone with the love of natures embrace

I walk alone.

Alone in each step, the drumbeat of the distant wanderers

Alone, searching for truth in the infinite space

That is the wilderness, my life, my love

Forever marking time




8 thoughts on “I Walk Alone

  1. Mrs. Mother Dirt

    I long to walk alone again. Currently I can’t hike without my toddler side-kick. Your poem reminded me how important self-care is. Thanks for posting this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Zen Hiker Post author

      You are very welcome! Although I love to walk alone now, when my kids were younger I brought them out with me and to see the look on their faces when we made it to a great view was priceless and something I will never forget!

      Liked by 1 person


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